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Deadly Outbreak Leaves 19 Dead

Tornado Season in the US: Devastating Impacts and Ongoing Threats

Deadly Outbreak Leaves 19 Dead

Tragic news has emerged from Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, and Kentucky, where a series of tornadoes and severe storms have claimed the lives of at least 19 people, including four children. The relentless onslaught of weather extremes has left communities reeling and authorities working tirelessly to assess the damage and provide assistance.

Tornado Hotspots in the Lone Star State

Texas, known for its unpredictable weather patterns, is particularly vulnerable to tornadoes. The state experiences the highest frequency of tornadoes in the United States, with May being the peak season. This year's severe weather outbreak serves as a sobering reminder of the devastating potential these storms can have.

AccuWeather Forecasts Ongoing Threats

AccuWeather Meteorologist Tony Laubach and his team positioned themselves in Denton, Texas, ahead of the severe weather system on Friday. Their timely forecasts and warnings enabled residents to take necessary precautions, potentially saving lives. Laubach emphasizes the ongoing threat of severe weather this month, urging people to remain vigilant and stay informed.

Record-Breaking Tornado Tallies

The US is witnessing an unprecedented number of tornadoes, with the current tally surpassing any previous record for this point in the year. Experts attribute this increase to a combination of factors, including climate change and a strong central US jet stream. The forecast for the remainder of May and into June suggests that the severe weather trend is likely to continue.

Published: May 26, 2024 | 15:01 BST
